Sahada A Responsive Testimonial Joomla Component & Module - Abdul JES(Joomla Extensions Store)

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“Sahada Testimonial” is a client testimonial review management system extension package, includes component and module.
Sahada Testimonial joomla extensions package

Why does your website need the “Sahada Testimonial”? Check out its features:-

You are service provider or selling a product, you need trust. As you know you are providing best. And trying best to make your clients and customers happy and satisfied by what you provide. Therefore you need other people trust by including existing clients and customers testimonial on your website. Here comes Sahada Testimonial, it will allow to add testimonials from backend and by using module you can show your testimonial in front end at any part of page you want.


What is the “Sahada Testimonial”?

“Sahada Testimonial” is a client testimonial review management system extension package, includes component and module. Now check out its features:-

  1. Easily manage testimonials from backend of your Joomla website
  2. Ability to create, delete, update testimonials
  3. Testimonial message character limit to fit content on front end module on your website according to your needs.
  4. Fully responsive layout
  5. Module setting includes: Custom link to testimonial for specific module, number of column to show across desktop, tablet and mobile views.
  6. No need for advanced coding
  7. Multilingual support available on request
