Custom extension development & error fixation of Joomla websites for

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Custom extension development & error fixation of Joomla websites for

I was hired by "Damien Tochtermann", for sevaral Joomal website projects, 

He is from "15 Rue de Huningue, 68300 Saint-Louis, France" and his reviews after job completion are : 

Un professionnel comme on en rencontre trop peu, qui prend chaque, quelque soit son ampleur, très à cœur.
In English : A professional like you rarely meet, who takes everything, whatever its magnitude, very seriously.

Our Role:

Job completed includes:

  • “Mollie Refund Hikashop” is a plugin used to refund hikashop order amount to user’s mollie account which was completed using mollie payment method.
  • "Easysocial Profile linker for Hikashop / Hikamarket" This plugins allow to link a Vendor (or Brand) to his Easysocial Profile instead of Hikashop / Hikamarket default profile.
  • Learning Management System extension development named "Tarbiat LMS".
  • Contact module development.
  • Joomla website security & Clean from viruses.

His personal website is :

Launch Website